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    Reading Comprehension
  I: Introduction
  II: The Challenge
III: The Five Steps  
  IV: 11 Question Types
Macro Questions
spacer1: Main Idea
spacer2: Purpose of the Passage
spacer3: Tone
spacer4: Passage Organization
spacer5: Category of Writing
spacer6: Identity of the Author
Micro Questions
spacer7: Detail of the Passage
spacer8: Definition of a Term
spacer9: Support for a Premise
spacer10: Function of Passage Part
11: Inference
  V: Tips
  VI: Sample Essays
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IV: Type 5 - Category of Writing (Advanced)
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GRE passages represent some form of writing found in the real world. Is it a letter to a newspaper? An excerpt from a book? The position paper of a lobbyist?

How to identify Category questions: Look for questions asking about the origin of the passage's writing.

In what type of publication would this passage most likely appear?

Which of the following best describes the passage?

From which of the following sources was the passage most likely excerpted?

How to tackle them: As always with macro questions, it comes back main idea and purpose: Who is the author and why did he or she write the passage? If you know that, you’ll almost certainly know in what type of real-world setting the passage should appear.

For example, let's say you decide that the purpose of the passage is to discredit a politician and that its official language probably means it was meant for the public to read. Once you know that, you can infer that the writer is a reporter or journalist. You know the author and the purpose. You have everything you need to answer the question.

From which of the following sources is the passage excerpted?

A) A nationally distributed newspaper
B) A press release from a big company
C) The diary of a senator
D) A governmental budgetary report
E) An encyclopedia

You know the answer must be A.

 Macro Questions: Identity of the author