Free SAT Course > SAT AWA > Real Essay Questions

1. Look at all the Real SAT AWA Questions

To beat the competition, you will need to do some brainstorming for all 400 AWA questions. Any of them could appear on your SAT, so you should spend some time preparing in advance. While there are many questions possible, the good news is there are no surprises. You will be able to review all of the potential questions beforehand.

Skim through all of the essay questions. You are guaranteed to see one question from each section on test day, so take quick notes on each of the questions. Then go back and read each one again. Pause for a minute to ponder the topic. At least three or four ideas will probably pop into your mind; jot them down. At this point, don’t try to organize your thoughts or commit to a position.

2. Review Sample Essay Answers

We’ve provided ten sample responses for each type of essay. These will help you get a sense of the caliber of writing expected by the SAT graders.


  • There is no one “correct” response to any AWA question.
  • These essays were written in 30-45 minute periods. They represent 5-6 score essays.
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